Bassam Safi is all about helping others. This makes him the perfect multi-unit franchise owner with Our Town America, a national business opportunity that functions on a neighborhood level to help other business owners target their audiences through direct mail. As far as Our Town America is concerned, the feeling is more than mutual, which is why the brand has nominated Safi as one of its top-performing Rock Stars. According to the Our Town America franchise leadership team, he’s an ambassador’s ambassador. Since purchasing his first location in Wilmington, North Carolina, in 2007, he’s poured his heart and soul into the business—building it out into a second location in the capital of Raleigh in 2009. Our Town America’s mission is to help other community businesses increase their reach and revenue, and Bassam Safi has become the brand’s benchmark for success.
Discovering the American Dream
Bassam Safi emigrated to the U.S. two decades ago from Kuwait. An entrepreneur at heart, he first ventured into business ownership with a popular pizza franchise. It was during this time that he, himself, was approached by an Our Town America franchise representative, and he soon became a client. Noting the central theme of networking and hospitality, it didn’t take long for Safi to become interested in his own franchise ownership with Our Town America. It’s a business where those who have a passion for helping others will easily rise to the top, something Safi accomplished in a short amount of time. There was a lot to like about the Our Town America opportunity. “I was attracted to the low cost of entry, the scalability and flexibility of being able to work from home or office with or without hired help, and the freedom of being able to stop what I’m doing and get away anytime I want. That’s thanks to the corporate staff, as they handle all of the production.” For Safi, the support provided by the franchisor was above and beyond his expectations. “I was provided with the software, tools, and materials needed to start my business, but the most important part was and still is the unlimited level of support I receive regarding any of my needs!”
For Bassam Safi, there’s a lot to like about owning an Our Town America franchise, including its proven business model. “I could never enjoy a job where I’m tied to a desk from 9-to-5 every day. I love that there is never a dull moment and that I’m not confined within four walls. I’m always on the move meeting different people and changing scenery. I’ve formed a lot of bonds and gained a lot of friends as well as learned about so many different industries. Sometimes the people I meet don’t always see the value in our services. However, at the end of the day – when I see that I’m making a positive difference in the businesses I am working with—it’s a very fulfilling feeling!” He also credits entrepreneurship with giving him the freedom to do the things he wants to do when and where he chooses. Along the way, it’s allowed him to create the perfect work-life balance.
Rising to the Top of the Our Town America Franchise System
Bassam Safi has now been a franchisee in Our Town America’s system for 16 years. Brand executives love to describe him as someone who simply “took North Carolina by storm.” Speaking of storms, Safi had a golden opportunity to give back to his community following a devastating hurricane that hit Wilmington. Noting how Our Town America had a track record of responding to natural disasters in other areas, Safi swung into action with a plan of his own. Following several successful fundraisers specific to the Wilmington area, he was able to donate the proceeds to a struggling restaurant in the community. His selfless example is indicative of his natural leadership abilities. It’s one of the reasons why the brand named him to its franchise advisory council and promoted him to one of their field training representatives. He responded accordingly, stating, “I love having the ability to influence other franchisees, or potential franchisees, and point them in a good direction.”
Our Town America Franchise Focuses on the Community
Bassam Safi and the Our Town America franchise system are all about having a community-based focus. What they do for other businesses through their networking and outreach has helped many other small business owners reach their potential while increasing their own revenues. It’s the very definition of a win-win scenario. He’s become a fixture in the Wilmington and Raleigh areas, attending as many networking events and corporate appointments as he can fill up each month. Safi knows that his efforts, and that of Our Town America, are providing a valuable service that benefits communities in many ways. It’s helping to solidify central business districts while bringing the small business-owning community closer together. Some people just have a knack for being at the center of efforts such as these. And Bassam Safi most certainly fits the bill, which is why he was an easy choice to represent the brand as a top-performing Rock Star.
For more information on the Our Town America franchise opportunity, visit, email [email protected], or call 800-497-8360 ext. 224