Why did you purchase a Caring Senior Service franchise rather than start an independent business?
We were familiar with the industry but knew there was a lot of value in not reinventing the wheel. I wanted to have our own business but wanted to figure out only some things from top to bottom on my own. I appreciate that I would have a road map to create my own business, but I would also have a guide through the startup process and the systems in place to continue the business. I have always been able to value those who came before me and figured out a system that worked. I am a systems person, so joining a franchise was a natural fit.
Were you focused on a specific industry or brand from the start?
Yes, I was a caregiver for my mom, who had ALS, until the point where we needed extra help. So we had a caregiver who could give us some respite, and that is where I learned what a blessing it was to have someone help care for a loved one. I wanted to give back to those who needed help or were in the same situation my family had been in with my mom. So, the caregiving industry was a natural fit. I was ultimately drawn to this brand because I had a friend who was a franchisee, as well as his dad of almost 20 years. I looked into others, but this brand fit what I envisioned and valued.
Which of your prior skills and experiences are most helpful in operating your business?
I did not have any business skills in particular. However, I had been a physical therapist for many years and managed a large outpatient clinic for a couple of years. Those years gave me great insight into managing a team, and my career as a PT was a natural fit for dealing with families and clients needing assistance. Those skills are a significant asset to running a caregiving business. I learned how to problem solve and interact with people from all backgrounds and situations and I feel like that flowed very nicely into helping operate my business even though there were no direct “business” experiences.
When researching franchises to buy, what criteria mattered to you most?
I wanted to join a franchise that was not so big that I wouldn’t be another number. I wanted to be a part of a brand that shared the same values, and, most of all, I was committed to excellence over quantity. Most people can do most jobs, but few people can do those jobs excellently. I was looking for a system with a proven track record of success and had been around for many years operating within their system. I was also drawn to the fact that the founder and CEO were still involved with operating locations and were still involved with franchisees.
Did you use FBR’s website or download franchisee satisfaction reports?
Yes, I researched many brands and many different industries before making a final choice. FBR’s franchisee satisfaction reports were a valuable tool and a good starting point.
During your research, which questions did you ask Caring Senior Service franchise owners?
I spoke with multi-unit franchisees, new ones, long-standing franchisees, and those at the highest level and with the lowest successes to find out how each was doing. I asked what drew them to this franchise rather than others, what the startup process was like, what their struggles and successes have been, how the franchise supported them, whether they would recommend it to their closest friends or family, and whether they would do it again or choose another brand.
Which questions did you ask the franchisor?
Why did they start this business in the beginning? What are their plans for the future of the franchise? Why do they think his system or approach was better than the alternatives? What did they want in a franchisee? Did they see a value in my skill set in joining the team? Would leadership be available to me through my onboarding and as I grew the business?
What were your biggest challenges when you first started, and how did you overcome them?
One of my biggest challenges was my lack of business acumen and understanding of the business side of things. I spent hours and hours reading and learning from books, articles, podcasts, and pretty much anything else I could find. We also started in a well-established market with competition, and I had to work harder to prove our qualities and excellence.
How does the franchisor support and encourage your success?
My franchisor is always available. I feel like he always values me as a franchisee. He has regular meetings and is present for those and quarterly owners’ meetings as well. He seeks to find new revenue streams and new technology to support our success. I feel like he understands and exemplifies that the better we as franchisees do, the better he does as a franchisor.
What are you most proud of and why?
I am most proud of the fact that I didn’t have a business background or a lot of financial resources to draw from, but I have been able to build a successful business. We have only been open for two years, but I have been able to be open for two years. We have served many clients and have become an employer to support our community.
What advice would you give to new Caring Senior Service franchise buyers?
Do your homework and due diligence before making any decisions, and then jump in with both feet and go for it. If you enjoy systems that work, franchising is your path because you don’t have to create everything or do it all by yourself. It has been a great investment for me, my family, and our future.