Kaysi Curtin opened her Sandler Training franchise in Fresno, California in January 2020. We spoke with her about her experience as a successful franchisee.
FBR: What was it about the franchise model and/or leadership that led you to purchase it?
Prior to being a franchisee, I was a client of Sandler Training for eight years. I saw not only what it did for me and my career but what it did for the company I was running at the time. We were a fourth generation family-owned business with no structure or process. Once we became a client of Sandler we eliminated turnover and increased sales 12-22 percent year over year.
FBR: What type of business experience, education, and/or skills did you have prior to becoming a franchisee that you have found particularly helpful?
I graduated with a BA in Mass Communication and Journalism with an emphasis in marketing and advertising. My career has been in advertising sales and scaling businesses growth and bottom line revenue. My background allows me to understand how to scale my own business with the knowledge of already doing it for so many others.
FBR: What do you like most about your job/owning a franchise?
It’s not about owning a franchise. It’s about Sandler Training and the philosophy itself. When I was a client for eight years it not only took my career and company to a whole other level, it also changed me as well. It was a game-changer for my life, not just my career. I was 100 percent sold because of my own personal experience. Now I am able to do the same for each individual I coach/train which is the most rewarding part.
FBR: How did you fund your franchise? Did you receive any discounts/incentives?
Oh boy… I took a second mortgage out on my house! I went from an amazing six-figure comfortable income to debt and knowing I have to make it up and make it up quick! But I believed. I had faith, and thank the lord I was right.
FBR: What advice do you have for prospective franchise buyers?
If you’re waiting for the right time it will never come. You have to believe, with conviction, in what you’re doing, if you want to be truly successful. With conviction, you have a purpose. Your purpose is your “why” and is what will scale you beyond what most people see possible.
For more information on Sandler Training franchise opportunities, call (800) 669-3537 x2033 or email [email protected] or visit sandler.com/franchising