Shadow & Rebekah Skaggs, Franchisee Rock Star, FirstLight Home Care

What advice do you have for someone considering investing in a franchise?

Do your homework. Take your time learning about each franchise in the industry. You’ll quickly get a feel for which one is the best fit for your needs and expectations.

What are you most proud of when it comes to your career in franchising?

We are most proud of the opportunities we have been given to help our community. We have been able to help those within our community by providing jobs, as well as those who we have been blessed to have as clients.

What was your career path before you entered franchising?

Shadow has a bachelor’s degree in nursing and in biblical studies. He has worked as director of nursing at a state prison and in a behavioral health unit. Rebekah has her master’s degree in health education, in addition to a bachelor’s degree in athletic training. Rebekah worked at a local high school an athletic trainer.

As a business owner, what has been the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome?

Time management. Balancing family life, volunteering, FirstLight, and other businesses we own can get a little hectic.

What do you like most about your franchise organization?

FirstLight Home Care has felt like a family since the first day we walked into their corporate office. They embrace the same morals and ethics that we do as a family. They provide us with a business model and support system to help us be successful business owners.

FirstLight Home Care offers its state-of-the-art quality-of-service business model across the country to entrepreneurs interested in offering comprehensive, in-home, non-medical, and personal care services to seniors, new mothers, disabled adults, and others. Learn More About FirstLight Home Care here.

What is one of the biggest mistakes you made when you were first starting your business? What was your biggest takeaway from it?

Not sure of any HUGE mistake we’ve made. The franchise’s business plan and assistance helped us miss those BIG MISTAKES.

Is there a book or podcast you’ve read/listened to that has helped you in starting or building your business?

Shadow loves podcasts by Tim Ferriss to help hack his life in business and outside of it. He also recommends “Good to Great.” “The 4 Hour Work Week” and ‘”Rich Dad, Poor Dad.”

Why is giving back important to you? What role does it play in your life and your business?

Both Shadow and I grew up in Grayson, Kentucky. We have both been surrounded by family, friends, and a community that has supported us every step of the way. Giving back to our community has been a priority for us since we began discussions of owning a business. We want to see our community grow and prosper, helping future generations to become successful adults, and help the elderly in our community who have helped shaped our town.

We give back by both serving as Rotarians (Shadow is the current president of our local club). Shadow is also on Chamber of Commerce board of directors and on the Grayson Commission for Aging and Special Needs Citizens.

Rebekah is a court-appointed special advocate for children and works with Carter County Youth Leadership Program.

What are the biggest work related challenges you are facing during this pandemic? What have you done to address them?

The biggest challenge we have faced has been related to staffing. Caregivers have been quitting to file for unemployment, and hiring has been more difficult. Most seem content drawing on unemployment insurance as opposed to working. Addressing this, we are continuing to push forward with hiring, and making sure to show our gratitude to our current caregivers.

Learn More About FirstLight Home Care

FirstLight Home Care offers its state-of-the-art quality-of-service business model across the country to entrepreneurs interested in offering comprehensive, in-home, non-medical, and personal care services to seniors, new mothers, disabled adults, and others.

Learn More About FirstLight Home Care here. 

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